


A xenine gender connected to both the planet Venus and the fictional “star” Eärendil (actually also the planet Venus) from Tolkien’s Legendarium, that may express femme-ness, beauty, love, passion, outer space, the planet of Venus itself’s appearance or characteristics, hope, compassionate love for the world, courage, and adventure, as well as Elvenness and the Silmarils, and may also be associated with the morning and evening star (Venus), and the sky, whether daytime or nighttime. Uses the root “-ingender”, used for forming planetingender terms. As a gender alignment (rather than identity) the term is venus-eärendelinite.


Coined by Inanna Angelika (Sparklessys)

Planetary Genders/Planetingender, Genders, Femme in Nature/LAIN, Xenogenders

ID: 1456, category: Xenogenders (ID: 3)

Created: Fri May 06 2022