


Astroperatalin is a sub-term, itself an umbrella term as well as a gender, within fairytalien and the FAINgender umbrella. Specifically aligned to science fiction aesthetics ranging from hard sci-fi to science fantasy, it and its related genders can be described with one or more of the following: A connection to things such as stars, nebulae, and galaxies, space travel, time travel, advanced technology perhaps-indistinguishable from magic, or similar; A feeling of cosmic awe, inner radiance, and grace; An well-defined, yet possibly limitless or infinite, gender, or a relationship with gender wherein exploration may be continuous or be like an endless adventure; A familiar feeling of resonance that is never mundane; A sense that one’s gender is beyond or transcends human, or that it is undefinable and transcendent.


Coined by Asherah Niquelia (AKA Sparklessys)

Genders, Astroperatalin/ASOIN, Fairytalien/FAIN, Xenogenders

ID: 1507, category: Xenogenders (ID: 3)

Created: Tue May 17 2022