


Anesian is a term which describes someone who deep down knows their exact identity labels, but often feels more comfortable using a different, usually more broad, label. This could be done for various reasons, such as wanting to avoid confusion, avoid being questioned, not being comfortable with getting specific and so on.

The purpose of the anesian term is to:

-be inclusive to those who identify with multiple anesi- labels at the same time or feel like anesisexual/anesigender don’t fit. Another example includes people who identify with both of these terms but don’t want to specify or constantly mention both terms.
-be seen as an alternative to personasexual/personagender and similar labels.
-be a form of a catch-all for not wanting to specify any aspect of one’s identity without getting too specific (e.g. anesiromantic individuals might want to use this term, but avoid specifying the ‘romantic’ part).

This doesn’t mean that someone cannot use the above labels alongside this one; anesian can be


Coined by Roach


ID: 1629, category: LGBTQ+ (ID: 2)

Created: Sat November 12 2022