A term for forming corresponding orientationgender terms for -amouric orientations, wherein -amourian is added to the end of the root gender’s name, with or without any -gender affix in the gender name, to form that gender-loving-that gender-orientationgender terms. Examples include Femmeamourian (femme-loving-femme-gender), Cosmienamourian (cosmien-loving-cosmien-gender), and Venus-Eärendilinamourian (Venus-Eärendilingender-loving-Venus-Eärendilingender-gender).
Coined by Inanna/Summer Angelika (Sparklessys)
Genders, Orientationgenders, LGBTQ+
ID: 1468, category: LGBTQ+ (ID: 2)
Created: Fri May 06 2022