An aesthetigender subset of lasanine and táralasanine specifically aligned towards intense or transcendent high femme/antarafemme, as a gender alignment, or with intensely/transcendently high femme presentations. Relates to one’s inner, soul-, mental-, or idealized-presentation, and is not dependent on outward presentation, in meatspace or otherwise. Exists independent of any binary gender, binary alignment, or adjacent gender or alignment, and freely combines without contradiction with any and all genders and alignments. Etymology is from the Quenya word antara meaning “very lofty”, and Etruscan lasa meaning bride or nymph (mythological creature).
Coined by Tinwion, Son of Eternal Hope (Sparklessys)
Genders, Raiment System, Femme in Nature/LAIN, High Femme in Nature/HFIN, Antaralasanine in Nature/ANLAIN, Gender Alignments, LGBTQ+
ID: 1431, category: LGBTQ+ (ID: 2)
Created: Fri May 06 2022