

Aliases: Moirallegic Vacillanship


A term for a relationship that experiences quadrant vacillation, wherein forms of attraction change or fluctuate, especially when the nature of the relationship may change or fluctuate as well; but is “anchored” in moirallegic attraction, feelings, and relationship aspects that serve as very often or even omni-present, and a stable basis or ground for the relationship to build upon and change around. Partners within such a relationship are called tellanns, and the attraction is termed tellannic attraction in general.


Coined by Naya Maryam of the Legendarium

Quadrant Vacillation, Pale/Moirallegiance, Quadrant System, LGBTQ+

ID: 1307, category: LGBTQ+ (ID: 2)

Created: Sat November 20 2021