

Aliases: Emotuasexual


Emotuace or emotuasexual is a sexual orientation on the asexual-spectrum. Ones sexual orientation is fluid or fluctuating and is effected by one’s emotions, mood, and state of mind, but ones orientations stays on the asexual-spectrum. For example one can feel alicosexual in a inactive state of mind and fraysexual in an active one.

Emotuace can be seen as a mix of emotusexual and aceflux, but emotuace being exclusively fluid between asexual orientations changing by ones state of mind.

Emotuace can be a sexual orientation on its own or can combined with other orientations. For example one could be emotuace and lesbian, meaning one feels sexual or/and tertiary attraction only at genders they’re attracted to.


Coined by crayonpuppy.x


ID: 1641, category: LGBTQ+ (ID: 2)

Created: Sat November 12 2022