Anaspect is an umbrella term for Soulbond, Spiritual, Gateway, or any other aspect of non-medical plural origin to replace the word introject as an identifier for headmates/alters. The word “Anaspect” comes from the word Analogous + Aspect, meaning having qualities in common + appearance to the eye or mind. Meaning said headmate is alike to perhaps a fictional/real person but isn’t introjected to the brain medically and instead comes from another location/universe. The umbrella term Anaspect covers three other terms, including Auxbond, Charabond, and Factbond. Though it is an umbrella term it can be used standalone much like the LGBT umbrella term non-binary.
Coined by System Satellite and System Stardust
ID: 1415, category: Plurality (ID: 1)
Created: Mon March 21 2022