


Springràithtalien is a FAINgender umbrella term and gender encompassing any and all FAINgenders that have a connection to the season of spring. In addition to the general characteristics of FAINgenders, Springràithtalien and related genders may be connected to spring, mild temperatures, rain, the return of life, thawing, vibrancy, flowers (especially perhaps wildflowers), the stars, cloudy skies, leaves, and/or anything else connected with the general ideas, concepts and aesthetics of spring. Its fluid counterpart is springwindtalien, though springràithtalien can be fluid or static by itself. Etymology is from the Scottish Gaelic word ràith, which means “season, quarter of the year”.


Coined by Asherah Niquelia (AKA Sparklessys)

Genders, Ràithtalien/RAITHIN, Fairytalien/FAIN, Springràithtalien/SPRAITHIN, Xenogenders

ID: 1523, category: Xenogenders (ID: 3)

Created: Tue May 17 2022